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Butane Extractions are not safe

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butane extractions

So, you want to do your cannabinoid extractions with butane? You think it can be done safely?

Forget about it.

If a company that makes butane can explode, how safe is your setup?

From NBC10 in Philadelphia:

A massive fire and series of explosions rocked a South Philadelphia refinery complex, the largest on the East Coast, early Friday morning. The blast jolted people awake miles from the scene, but no injuries were reported.

The blaze at the Philadelphia Energy Solutions refinery erupted shortly after 4 a.m. City emergency management sounded early warning sirens at 5:30 a.m. and issued a shelter-in-place for the area immediately around the complex.

Remember that the staff at a petrochemical facility is highly trained, supervised by chemical engineers and well versed in safety protocols. The safety and production SOPs are numerous. Yet a massive explosion occurred which was felt as far away as south Jersey. 

Does your butane extraction setup employ a team of chemical engineers and chemical hygiene experts? Do you regularly perform disaster drills? How are your SOPs? Is all your equipment grounded? Do you backfill with an inert atmosphere?

Food for thought. 

If you aren’t competent, you can end up burnt or dead. Most butane extractors have no formal training in chemistry or safety…so disaster awaits. Butane extractions is why our company got into the cannabis/hemp industry. We believed we could make a much safer way to extract then using butane. If you are searching for CBD products make sure to look at 3rd party test results on the product. You do not want to have butane residue in a product you consume!