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Does Topical CBD Work For Pain?

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Does Topical CBD reduce pain? We don’t make any medical claims for our products in strict accordance with FDA rulings, and we abide by the regulations. 

(As an aside, the FDA allows vitamin and supplement makers to make all sorts of outrageous claims, from weight loss to hair loss, without any supporting data. Hypocrisy runs rampant in America).

While we won’t make claims, we are delighted to present outside scientific data to highlight the benefits of CBD. A recent peer reviewed scientific paper (Cannabidiol (CBD) as a treatment of acute and chronic back pain: A case series and literature review) in the May issue of the Journal of Opioid Management (DOI: 10.555/jom.2020.0570) strongly supports the use of topical CBD for the management of pain. I quote:

“Hemp-derived CBD in a topical cream provided significant symptom and pain relief for the patients described in this case series.”

There it is: we didn’t say it, we are just quoting several MDs.

The patients in the study had severe upper and lower back pain that was resistant to acetaminophen or NSAIDS. They obtained relief lasting 8-10 h per application. Of interest, the CBD cream used in this study was 5-fold less potent than our Extra Strength Balm.

Give our Balm a try, and do some experimenting yourself.

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