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Oral Dosing of MCT/CBD Oil

CBD After Consumption

We received many inquires regarding how to take our 50 mg/ml organic CBD mixture in MCT (by the way, MCT stands for medium chain triglycerides. The ester sidechains are about 4-8 carbons long). Here’s some guidance, and the science behind it.

CBD Oral Dosing

The best way to get good absorption of your CBD is through your mouth. Now that seems obvious, but there is more to it. By taking the oil into your mouth (now we are talking a small amount, 0.5 to 1.0 ml) and swishing it around your tongue and gums, some of the medicine get absorbed directly, and goes immediately into your bloodstream. This “mouth absorption” is the most effective way to get rapid administration into your body.

Once you swallow the oil, its fate is less certain. For one, the cannabinoids are very poorly absorbed in your stomach and gut. Most of it passes right through you. The bit that does get absorbed is then subjected to the liver, in what is called “first pass metabolism.” That simply means that everything you eat gets a liver treatment before passing into the bloodstream. Thus, some of the ingested CBD (the bit that get through your stomach) is metabolized into an inactive molecule. The final amount of CBD that reaches your systemic circulation could be a tiny fraction of the amount ingested.

What to do?

One: swish the oil in your mouth for 10-15 seconds to allow for oral absorption.

Two: take with food. Food helps the stomach absorption and mutes the first pass metabolism.

Three: use the oil in your food. Add to salad dressing or cook into brownies. We’ll be publishing recipes for your enjoyment.

So, with our Certified Organic MCT/CBD tincture, have it your way. Keep it under your tongue for a bit, or take it with food.