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What is the right dose of CBD?

dose of CBD

Many of our customers’ questions revolve around: how much CBD should I take, and what is the right dose of CBD for me? These are very good questions, and there is not a lot of guidance from anyone. Let’s take a good look at this: hopefully, this will answer many of your questions.

Our base MCT tincture is at a CBD concentration of 50 mg per ml (or a full dropper), and our gummies contain 15 mg CBD. We recommend that a newbie to CBD start with a 15-25 mg dose to see how it affect them. So that’s one gummy, or half a dropper. See how that feels, and evaluate the effectiveness of this small dose. Chances are the dose is too small to see any effects, but it is always better to start low, then escalate as needed.

How much to escalate? This is a personal decision, and depends on what kind of relief one is looking for. Many folks settle on a dosing regiment of 50 mg twice a day (one full dropper each time, or 2 gummies, morning and night). As we mentioned before, there is a large food effect with dosing and absorption, so it would be best to do your CBD twice a day at breakfast and dinner.


Some of our customers take higher doses, up to 200 mg twice a day. This is getting closer to the effective dose for Epidiolex, the CBD isolate sold as a prescription drug for epilepsy. This is still a safe dose, but going much higher risks side effects like sleepiness. Epidiolex users are approved to take as much as 20 mg/kg body weight /day. This is the equivalent of about 1400 mg per day for the average adult. At this dose, patients are monitored for liver abnormalities, which are rare and dose-dependent. But you don’t want to go there. Stay below 400 mg/day to avoid problems.

CBD balm dose

Dosing with our topical organic balm is simple: use as much as needed on the affected areas. Very little of the topically applied CBD makes it to the bloodstream (it stays where it was applied and needed).

We are happy to answer any and all your questions, including dosing. Just give us a call at 802-497-2455.